WEBINAR The CWS in the assessment of thought and perceptual disorders The seminar is aimed at those who already use the CWS in their professional practice and have achieved the necessary competence in the use of this method. The evaluation of thought and perception disorders represents one of the Read more…
WEBINAR The CWS in the assessment of thought and perceptual disorders The seminar is aimed at those who already use the CWS in their professional practice and have achieved the necessary competence in the use of this method. The evaluation of thought and perception disorders represents one of Read more…
The contribute of the CWS in the assessment of mood disorders and suicidal ideation This webinar is aimed at those who already use the CWS in their professional practice and have achieved the necessary competence in this method. Depression, “the dark evil”, “the evil of the century”, is undoubtedly one Read more…
CWS training
The Crisi Wartegg System (CWS) is a new methodology for using the WDCT that rigorously scores and interprets the drawings of the clients. Psychologists in Italy, Japan, Scandinavia, South America and, more recently, in the United States frequently use the CWS in psychological assessments. It is also a selection tool Read more…