The CWS Software Platform, a computer-based scoring and interpretation program, offers three distinct software programs designed by the IIW, each with a specific intended audience: Clinical, Selection, and Career Guidance.

Both CWS Clinical and Selection software provides computation of scores and indices based upon scoring input by the user.

Each software has a basic software and a “research” software. The Software “Wartegg Search” is available to clinicians who, in addition to Clinical, Selection or Orientation, work in the field of research. The Research software is an extended version of the software platform that, in addition to specific evaluations, allows users to build databases of all indices calculated in the CWS.


It is now possible to install all the IIW softwares also on MAC APPLE!!

Thanks to the integration of the new apps of compatibility between Windows and Mac/Apple environments and throughout the development of specific modules of the IIW softwares, it is now possible to use all the CWS softwares also on PC MAC with O.S. macOS 10.13. High Sierra and following and MacBook Air Intel hardware 4 GB Ram.

Of course, the speed of the performances is strictly connected to the RAM dimension and to the characteristics of the computer.

We did our tests on MacBook Air 4 GB Ram – OS 10.13 and we have got excellent results.

Warning! Do not download and install the demo if any version of CWS softwares is already installed on your computer. This operation would result in the loss of all data already entered and the deactivation of the software itself. The IIW declines all responsibility.


Although not completely identical, given their similarities, Clinical and Selection software will be reviewed together. In addition to calculating over 100 indices provided by CWS, the clinical and selection software provides 3 levels of assessment:

  1. Descriptive
  2. Categorical
  3. Criteria-based

       1. Descriptive Assessment

        The descriptive assessment contained in the CWS software represents an important aspect of the methodology, unique to the CWS. For each individual, the software provides a brief written statement covering 8 areas of psychological functioning (based upon Box Codes): self-evaluation (Box 1); female object relations (Box 2); available energies (Box 3); male object relations (Box 4); aggressive energy (Box 5); relationship with reality (Box 6); libidinal energy (Box 7); and social skills (Box 8).

        1. Categorical Assessment

        Each individual is further classified by the CWS software as belonging in one of the following categories:

        NOP (No Psychopathology): Well-structured processes of individual and social adaptation.

        LSI (Low Symptoms and Impairments): Slight psychoaffective difficulties; however, these do not negatively impact the global efficacy of the client. In the absence of other negative indicators, likely to reflect absence of significant psychopathology.

        MSI (Medium Symptoms and Impairments): Conflicting personality aspects are present which negative impact the client’s psychological balance; Further evaluation is required.

        SSI (Severe Symptoms and Impairments): High levels of serious conflicting aspects that negatively impact the global behavior of the client. In the presence of other negative indicators, likely to reflect a psychopathological condition.

        PTL (Psychopathological Condition): Indication of a psychopathological condition

        1. Criteria-based Assessment

        The CWS software further provides an assessment of client functioning in five domains (5 criteria). The five evaluated domains of functioning include:

        1. Global Maturity (Well-balanced personality structure);
        2. Emotional Regulation (Self-control and mood stability);
        3. Cognitive Abilities (Critical analysis and judgment);
        4. Social Skills (Effectiveness as a group member);
        5. Group Affiliation (Flexibility and adaptiveness).

        Each criterion, comprised of CWS indices, is qualitatively rated using the following symbols:

        +      Functional; The client functions adequately in this domain.

        +/-    Partially Functional; Some difficulties may be present in this domain.

                Area of Weakness; The client experiences severe challenges in this domain.


        The IIW, after a long period of research and experimentation, has developed an important update of the Clinical and Selection software called PLUS Version.

        This update constitutes an enhancement of the descriptive capacity of the software and allows to obtain output in both normal and pathological areas through an in-depth analysis of all the indices captured by the examiner divided into the various groupings or clusters that make up the traditional CWS report (intelligence, thought, available energy, social skills, areas of psychopathology, etc.).

        Thanks to the vast normative samples worked out by the IIW*, it was possible to differentiate the PLUS version into one output for adulthood and one for childhood age.

        With the PLUS version it is now possible:

        1. a) view a graph that, using the T points, obtained from the regulatory sample for both adulthood and childhood age, places the results of the examiner / subject with respect to the regulatory values.
        1. b) indicate in the initial parts of the report, listing them in descending order of severity, which clusters are within critical or psychopathological values.
        1. c) have a detailed list, for each item, of which indices were captured by the person examined.

        The PLUS version is a very advanced level that will allow the clinician, in a noticeably short time, a rapid and accurate identification of the main difficulties expressed by the patient.

        * Adulthood normative sample is made up of about 2,300 individuals, male, and female, aged 18-29; the childhood age normative sample of about 1,300 individuals, males and female, aged between 5 and 12 years.



        The CWS Career Guidance Software provides evaluation in three distinct domains of functioning:

        1. Affective-Relational Area
        2. Thought Area
        3. Productivity Area

            The Affective-Relational Area. This area includes the main traits of the personality, including the control of emotional reactions, the presence of conflict, social skills, and interpersonal relationships. In the Affective-Relational Area, the CWS Career Guidance software assesses the following indices: Self-Control; Self-Esteem; Differentiation and Identity Formation; Relationship with Authority; Emotional Maturity.

            The Thought Area. This area evaluates the organization of the individual’s cognitive and intellectual processes, including reality testing, judgment and critical thinking, and cognitive flexibility. In the Thought Area, the CWS Career Guidance software assesses the following indices: Reality testing; Abstract Thinking; Concrete Thinking; Practical Action; Attention-Concentration Capacity; Judgment and Critical Thinking; Cognitive Flexibility; Planning; and Learning.

            The Productivity Area. This area includes, in a quantitative and qualitative sense, the manner in which the individual relates to his/her surroundings and acknowledges his/her autonomy. This evaluation includes personal attributes related to initiative and consistency, for example.

            In the Productivity Area, the CWS Career Guidance software assesses the following indices: Frustration and Stress Tolerance; Consistency and Reliability; Respect of Rules and Boundaries; Initiative; Ambition; Energy Level.

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