Associate Curricula
Prof. Alessandro Crisi, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Founder and President of ‘Istituto Italiano Wartegg’, consultant at the Civil Court of Rome since 1977, Adjunct Professor at Sapienza University of Rome; Visiting Professor at GSPP of Denver University, CO, USA, Spring quarters 2016 & 2018; Visiting Professor at UDEM, Universidad de Mexico, Monterrey, MX 2018. From 1980 to 2000 has elaborated a new methodology named CWS (Crisi Wartegg System) for the interpretation of the Wartegg test which, since 2002, is being utilised in the selection processes in the Italian Armed Forces. Cooperates with the Italian Navy as consultant for Selection and Career counselling and has delivered many training seminars for the Italian Army. Member of I.R.S. (International Rorschach Society) and Fellow of S.P.A. (Society for Personality Assessment), has participated in several national and international Conferences and published many scientific articles on psychological assessment. Member of the Board of Assessors of Rorschachiana, Hogrefe Publisher (2019); Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Rorschach Congresses 2011 & 2022.

Psychologist, psychotherapist. Lecturer in “Psychodynamics of Work Organizations” at Sapienza University of Rome. Faculty of Medicine and Psychology – School of Specialization in Clinical Psychology. Dr. Costanza is interested in organizational development in complex organizations and in this sense has developed the test: “QE-2030_IAE” Questionnaire for the evaluation of personality and work approach in organizational contexts. Currently used for the selection and orientation processes of the Navy (Costanza G. Crisi A. Feliziola P. 2020) “QE_HFRr (Human Factor Realibility for railway)” Questionnaire for the evaluation of the risk of human error and the promotion of the Culture of Safety in the railway sector. Used in various safety culture development interventions by various rail organizations. (Costanza G.2020). He has also developed and applied with DITS (Faculty of Engineering “Sapienza” University of Rome) an integrated process for the reduction of the risk of accidents in the railway environment called SEW (Sharing Enterprice Wellbeing). SEW has been successfully applied in complex organizational structures of RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana). 2021.  Interventions for the development of the psychological component of the HO-F (Human Organizational Factors) according to the ergonomics indications of ERA (European Union Agency for Railways). 

2024. He managed the organizational analysis for the development of organizational well-being for the professional resources of the Italian Navy (MMI).

Members Curricula

Psychologist, Psychotherapist e Psychodiagnostic, Training at the SERT of AUSL RM “C”, at the Day Hospital for adolescents and at the Infantile Neuropsychiatry. Trained as a psycho diagnostic, specialised in Rorschach.   

Currently working in a residential therapeutic/rehabilitation community for psychotic patients. Working as trainer and researcher at IIW since 2003. 

Is a Swedish psychologist and psychotherapist who graduated from the University of Stockholm in 1995 and who has been using the Wartegg from the beginning of her career. She has a PsyD in Personality Assessment within both clinical and organizational work. After 10 years of clinical work with teenage in-patients she has focused a lot of her organizational work on risk and security assessment for both Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations, and police and military organizations. Dr. Holm is the current president of the Swedish Rorschach Society. She frequently runs Crisi Wartegg System courses in Sweden in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Wartegg.

Psychologist, Psychotherapist e Psycho diagnostic, teacher of Infantile Neuropsychiatry at Sapienza University, Rome. Consultant for the Civil Court in Rome. Trained as psycho diagnostic. Certified as in the Rorschach test and specialised on test battery. Since 2000 cooperates in training and research at the IIW

MA, Representative of the IIW in Japan dal 2019, is a licensed clinical psychologist and psychotherapist in Tokyo, Japan. He is the founder of Murakami Counseling Office and provides psychological assessment and psychotherapy (especially trauma psychotherapy) for adult, child/adolescent, and families. He is also member of Asian-Pacific Center for Therapeutic Assessment (ACTA) and provide therapeutic assessment. He is certified in adult Therapeutic Assessment. 

Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist with extensive experience in personality and neuropsychological assessment both in France and in Finland. Dr. Muzio received his master’s degree at the University of Paris X – Nanterre (France, 1995), where he also defended his doctoral dissertation on the correlations between John Exner’s Rorschach Comprehensive System and neurocognitive variables (2006). Dr. Muzio has taught personality assessment and neuropsychology to psychology students and psychologists working in a broad range of fields and in various universities and organizations since the 1990s. He is President of the Finnish Rorschach Association (FRA), 1st Vice-President of the International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods (ISR) and representative of the Italian Institute of Wartegg (IIW) for Finland since 2020.

Licensed clinical psychologist with extensive experience in collaborative/ therapeutic psychological testing and assessment. Dr. Palm is a graduate of Fordham University, located in the Bronx, New York, where he received his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. He completed his American Psychological Association (APA)-accredited Pre-Doctoral Internship at The Guidance Center, a non-profit community mental health agency, where he later supervised and trained clinicians in psychological assessment for nearly a decade (first as Assessment Supervisor, and later as Director of Doctoral Training). Dr. Palm is the founder and director of the Southern California Center for Collaborative Assessment, located in Long Beach, California. Since 2015 he is Representative of the IIW in the USA.

Developer and co-owner of the CWS Wartegg software, Sordi has worked in many different fields, but mainly in the field of information technology, starting his activity in 1970 with training by attending various courses at IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, etc.. Particularly experienced in the definition, analysis and development of complex information systems. He has developed IT projects for several international companies, business confederations and public bodies ranging in different areas of work related to production and services. In these areas he has held various roles for the creation and development of complex projects also taking care of the implementation, quality, security and reliability of data processing by holding positions of responsibility such as CEO, General Manager, Project Manager, Consultant analysis and development. Sordi is particularly expert in adapting the project to the needs required and to the type of user by choosing the most suitable technical solution. In the CWS Wartegg project, he has taken into account the professional issues of the users of a specific sector (Clinical), but also the different treatment of data depending on the use of the product for different purposes (Selection and Orientation). All of this guarantees not only the confidentiality and privacy of the data, being highly sensitive, but also the operational simplicity in the use and modularity of the software designed and its compatibility with any operating environment both Microsoft and Apple.

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