The CWS in the assessment of thought and perceptual disorders


The seminar is aimed at those who already use the CWS in their professional practice and have achieved the necessary competence in the use of this method.


The evaluation of thought and perception disorders represents one of the aspects of greatest interest to the clinician. Years of consolidated clinical practice, supported by many research carried out in the psychiatric field, have allowed the CWS to identify various indices and peculiarities that distinguish the protocols of people affected by these disorders. The seminar aims to illustrate these aspects through the presentation of theoretical parts and practical parts accompanied by the illustration of numerous clinical case examples.

There is a limited number of places that will be assigned based on the order of registration.

Registration must be received no later than October 16, 2021 and must be sent to the IIW Secretariat:


The cost of the seminar is € 90.00 plus VAT (if required).


This seminar is aimed at professionals with experience in psychodiagnostics.




(Timing to be determined depending on if it happens for

Europeans or American colleagues)



1h and 30’

Thought and perceptual disorders

15’ Coffee break

1h and 45’

Clinical cases

1 h Lunch break

1h and 15’

Clinical cases

15‘ Coffee break


Clinical cases





ISTRUCTOR: Alessandro Crisi, Psy.D. Visiting Professor Denver University, Colorado, USA and UDEM, Monterrey, Mexico; adjunct professor at Sapienza University of Rome; Founder and President of the Italian Institute of Wartegg; Member of the I.R.S. (International Rorschach Society); Fellow of the S.P.A. (Society for Personality Assessment); Member of the Board of Assessors of Rorschachiana, Hogrefe Publisher; Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Rorschach Congresses, 2011 & 2022; He has written (2018) “The Crisi Wartegg System (CWS): manual for administration, scoring, and interpretation, Routledge, New York.

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