Associate Curricula Prof. Alessandro Crisi Prof. Alessandro Crisi, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Founder and President of ‘Istituto Italiano Wartegg’, consultant at the Civil Court of Rome since 1977, Adjunct Professor at Sapienza University of Rome; Visiting Professor at GSPP of Denver University, CO, USA, Spring quarters 2016 & 2018; Visiting Professor at Read more…


The IIW offers specific training activities on the Wartegg test, and more in general in the field of psychological assessment through trainings in the most relevant psychological tools (Rorschach, MMPI-2, etc.). The main target of the I.I.W. is to promote in the various professional areas of application (clinical, forensic law, Read more…


ESSENTIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE CWS BOOKS Crisi A. (2022) クリシ・ワルテッグ・システム(CWS)ー実施・スコアリング・解釈のためのマニュアル [The Crisi Wartegg System (CWS): manual for administration, scoring, and interpretation] Tankobon Hardcover – by アレッサンドロ・クリシ (著), ジェイコブ・A・パーム (著), 村上 貢 (翻訳) [translation by Mitsugu Murakami] Crisi A. (2018) The Crisi Wartegg System (CWS): manual for administration, scoring, and interpretation, Read more…


Founded in Rome in 1999, the Italian Institute of Wartegg S.r.l. (I.I.W.), has a dual objective: on the one hand, to offer a wide range of trainings on the most important psychological assessment tools. On the other hand, to constitute a meeting point, comparison, and scientific debate between those who, Psychologists Read more…