Shame and CWS (Presenter A.Crisi Psy.D.)
The seminar is aimed at those who already use the CWS in their professional practice and have achieved the necessary competence in the use of this method.
Shame, “a common and painful experience”, is perhaps one of the least investigated and most neglected aspects in psychodiagnostic and psychotherapeutic work. It is present in numerous forms of psychopathology. Due to its thousand faces and the varied defensive strategies that are implemented by the patient against it, shame is difficult to identify. This lack of recognition or, in some cases, the underestimation of the role played by shame determines complexity in the psychotherapeutic treatment and, sometimes, even its failure.
The Seminar, after an introduction to the key concepts on shame and the indices that the test of Wartegg that allow its correct identification, will illustrate two clinical cases taking into consideration the data of the Wartegg test only.
A limited number of places are expected which will be assigned based on the order of registration. Registration must be received no later than beyond 20 January 2025 and must be requested to the IIW Secretariat: iiw@wartegg.com
The cost of the Seminar is 40.00 euros.
This seminar is aimed at professionals expert in psychodiagnostics.
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